I am Writing while listening to your song ,
Well i guess you sing in that song am i right ?
Hehe ... it is really sweet for me ..
Dont worry i always remember you ,
No matter where i go,
You will always in deep of my heart ,
We look to the same sky everyday ,
Look to the same moon everynight ,
Look to the same sun everymorning,
I miss you 2x
You wont lose me and I wont lose you ,
We will be together I promised that ,
We will face all obstacles together ,
Continue our journey as far as we can ,
I give you all my soul ,
All i need just keep it my soul with you ,
I kept your soul deep in my heart ,
I guess our love getting stronger day by day,
This day i wanna tell you i will get back to school ,
Will miss me ok ?
Oooppps I will say it first " I Miss You So Much "
Hehehe ( I always happy be with you )
No matter we face terrible thing
I always feel safe and happy ,
You and Me
Saturday, August 17, 2013 | 12:28 PM | 0comments
I am Writing while listening to your song ,
Well i guess you sing in that song am i right ?
Hehe ... it is really sweet for me ..
Dont worry i always remember you ,
No matter where i go,
You will always in deep of my heart ,
We look to the same sky everyday ,
Look to the same moon everynight ,
Look to the same sun everymorning,
I miss you 2x
You wont lose me and I wont lose you ,
We will be together I promised that ,
We will face all obstacles together ,
Continue our journey as far as we can ,
I give you all my soul ,
All i need just keep it my soul with you ,
I kept your soul deep in my heart ,
I guess our love getting stronger day by day,
This day i wanna tell you i will get back to school ,
Will miss me ok ?
Oooppps I will say it first " I Miss You So Much "
Hehehe ( I always happy be with you )
No matter we face terrible thing
I always feel safe and happy ,
You and Me
introduction {biography}
" I would rather bend than break -Kai "
know me
 the name is Irfan Haziq.
 an ex PMR candidate -2012
 gets birthday wishes on my facebook wall on every 07th of May.
 this is a warning, I'm a very friendly person ;)
 musics always took me away'
 Allah SWT is the only ONE, and Muhammad pbuh is His messanger.
 the oldest of my siblings
 i have big dreams, and insyaallah i'll achieve it. i'll pray :)
nice of you visiting mine