Wednesday, February 13, 2013 | 12:42 PM | 0 comments
written by: dwi rafika ;)
for: Irfan Haziq
assalamualaikum, hey irfan.
fiirstly, sorry for trespassing and made a new post without your permission. hihi :p
second, i just wanna post something for you. so dont mind me yea? haha
so here it goes..
dear irfan, eceyhh :p
HAI! it's been 3 years knowing you ey? nice knowing you bro ;) you're a nice guy, a good guy. i know that you know that sometimes i got annoyed by you. but hey, out of all the fights, the shouts, the ignoring-ourselves, the laughs , the hanging-out and etc. that made our friendship stronger. ain't it? cos i taught so. anyway, my dearest friend, take care wherever you are. always remember Allah, He's the one who had made you get this far. don't forget to thank Him. i know we all have to.
i'm so great-full i have a friend like you. eventhough sometimes you make me wanna punch you soooo much. no offense, LOL. but it's been nice knowing you. no regrets.
so irfan, hope you had fun there. i mean, since you get an awesome school. (the most awesome school among all of us i bet) i hope you got nice friends, learn more educational stuffs there. meet some great person. and lots of other things. but don't forget us yeah? don't forget me. don't forget that you have a friendship-bond with me, and others.
and one thing, be yourself. just be yourslef.
"be yourself. everyone had been taken."
soo yah, i guess that's all. i could type a very long post but you know how am i, lazy. hihihi. soo, goodluck my friend :)
p/s; i'll try to edit more on your blog. when i have time, kay ;)
love, dwiirafikaa.